Thanks to her wide experience, she got a great knowledge and excellent skills in professional training, public and private (for public employees, graduates, unemployed, etc). And particularly she has worked with projects linked to the European Social Fund. Her specific abilities are related to selection, assessment and management. In Italy she is a crucial partner for universities, public administrations, training agencies, schools, companies, entrepreneurs. She is able to transfer knowledge, create new partnership, select important companies in various fields in order to put at disposal of trainees internships in Italy. In the past she was also administrator of a company specializing in vocational training and communication‘s strategies. During this experience, she had responsibilities as director, responsible of training courses, and management of press agency. Elda Lettieri personal web site.
President of the NGO "SELENA" Association of women entrepreneurs in Bulgaria and NGO "AURIGA" Academy of Tourism of Bulgaria, both with center to Sofia (Bulgaria). Inside of the two organisms he carries out managing functions with responsibility of planning and external relations.